
began his training in Muay Thai with Dave Moy. He later transferred to the Sitan Gym in NYC at Dave's suggestion to further his training. After college and an office job limited his ability to train at Sitan, Rich found his way to the original Workshop location on Bond Street where Dave Moy was coaching. He then competed at the WKA tournament in 2014 taking 3rd place. 

While training at Workshop Muay Thai he began working with strength coach Andrew Rivera and competed in powerlifting shortly thereafter. He then took a hiatus from Muay Thai due to injuries. It was around this time Rich began training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Jin Yung and after receiving his blue belt he was entrusted to be an assistant coach for the kids program at Workshop Jiu Jitsu. 

In addition to training with coaches and gyms in the NYC area, RIch has also spent time fighting and training in Thailand. While there he trained at both Sitjaopho and FA Group. Rich is currently the assistant coach for the Muay Thai and Kids Jiu jitsu programs at Workshop NYC.